“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover” – Mark Twain.
If you follow us on social media, you would have realised that we celebrate each birthday, if it is our firm’s or our building’s. We celebrate every victory, examination passed, and momentous moment of our staff. We celebrate holidays and vacation days. We celebrate our clients, our deadlines, and our goals. We rejoice in where the trade winds took us these last five years.
Starting our own accounting firm in Polokwane was a big risk for our partners. We sailed away from the safe harbour into the adventure of starting our audit and accounting company. We explored the open seas of being an independent, smaller firm, without the safety net of a recognized name.
But we dreamed of a company steered by core ethics, experienced leadership, and a staff that understood their value. Thus, Veritas was born.
We celebrate because when everything was against us, we created something special by starting this firm. We created something on our terms. Some of these celebrations might seem small when you look at the big picture, but each moment is really important to us and we will continue to celebrate year 5 or year 50 with the same enthusiasm.
Veritas is a company that treats its employees more like family and not like a number. We focus on building relationships between staff. The company has training programs, ample study leave, and personal feedback sessions to ensure that each employee reaches his or her full potential.

We have an annual growth of 30% each year in personnel, showing that investing in your employees is worth their weight in gold.
At Veritas our main focus is our clients. Each client is treated as an individual and not as income. They are more than a means to an end. We handle a variety of clients; big corporations, small home businesses, and individual entities. A comprehensive tailor-made solution is prepared for each client. We are a “one-stop-shop.”
Veritas is more than its bottom-line to the partners. Each one of us has poured our blood, sweat, and tears into building something incredible. This is a firm with a beating heart.
Through hard work and dedication to our workforce and clients, we have reached each goal set by the partners and the staff. These goals we all quickly discovered, in our first year already, needs to be bigger and more daring. For we had the team to reach them. We are constantly striving for new aims, new objectives, and new ideas.
Now five years later we own a building with the Veritas name proudly displayed, we have doubled in size and even opened a small satellite office in Cape Town.
The sky is truly the limit when you explore, dream, and discover and that is why we celebrate each milestone. Big and small.