It is the end of the year, here you are, done with school or done with your degree. So what do you do, now? Now you look for a job with an employer who will treat you as more than a number.
This can be an intimidating task. It is important you know why you choose a workplace. Make a list of reasons of what is essential to you and your work life satisfaction.
There are thousands of reasons to choose Veritas Inc, from our amazing new office building to our competitive rates. Here are our top 10 reason why you should work for us.

Reason Number One : High Standards
Veritas is run by three highly trained professionals who have instilled a standard of quality over quantity. Each department has a qualified department head and dedicated training to ensure the whole company operates at the optimal level.
Reason Number Two : There is nowhere to go but Up
Veritas is only four years old and already a big player in the audit and accounting scene in Polokwane. The firm wants to ensure that you prosper in your career. You will be given a chance to grow, as they have grown.
Reason Number Three : We value Values
When working for Veritas a value system will be introduced to you. This system is used in our interaction with each other and with clients. Knowledge, Growth and Resilience are going to be your new favourite words.
Reason Number Four : Exposure to Various Clients
Being an audit, accounting and consulting firm we service a wide variety of clients. You will have the unique opportunity to experience different entities, industries and people. You will never be bored.
Reason Number Five : Experience in Spades
From day one you will be thrown into the deep end. It is the quickest way you learn to swim and you will swim in an assortment of pools. Because you are never treated as less then you will gain practical knowledge in your field.
Reason Number Six : Ample Study Time
Veritas offers a comprehensive study leave schedule to ensure you are well prepared for your exam. We fund professional development courses so that you can compete at the highest level and be the best prepared.
Reason Number Seven : Not all Work and no Play
Here we believe in a Work/Life balance. We play as hard as we work. At Veritas you can become part of the Social Committee. A team dedicated to making the office fun. We celebrate birthdays and Valentine’s Day. We compete against each other at Sport’s day and dance the night away at our Yearend Function.
Reason Number Eight : Community Engagement
Veritas believes in giving back to the community with our community engagement projects. This includes the variety of charities we support, our Nelson Mandela Day projects and business development in our community.
Reason Nine : A Client in most Provinces
We might be small but our reach is across the country. At Veritas you will be given the opportunity to travel the country. We are not only accountants and auditors in Polokwane. You will spend time in Cape Town, Johannesburg and the bush veld. Sleep-away Audits are usually accommodated with nice hotels and great meals.
Reason Number Ten : We are a Family
Choosing Veritas means you choose a company that really care about their employee’s welfare. They invest in their employee’s personal and professional growth. You will laugh, you will work hard and you will make an impact.
If these reasons spoke to you, be sure to visit our SuitUp profile ( and upload your CV. Become part of our winning team in 2020.